Wednesday, November 07, 2007

If thoughts were all I had to do!!

6am-my house.......get out of bed to tinkle and to get started on my quite the door....greeted by an almost five-year old who "I" scared "shrieks from us both".....tweedle toddler starts to scream.......ok, everyone up......getting lunch packed, find a box of NERDS in the take home folder spilled all over the book bag.......but, no one knows how they got there, especially the sneeky 2nd grader who has been up to NO GOOD with that candy!!!.....FED UP, pack up all the candy in the house and send it off to work with hubby....."Hope you ready to eat?"......"No, I'm not hungry".....10 seconds later......"Ok, I'm hungry now."....Kennyboo "Mommy...EAAAAATTTTTT......" "Cereal?" "NO" "GRAPES?" "No" "Mommy.....cooooookkkkieeeee"..."Kennedy, we are NOT having a cookie right now" "Awe mannnnnnnn" (oh yes she did!!!).....yes, thoughts WERE all I had to do at is now 7:40.


tammi said...

Yikes! Hope the rest of the day goes a little more smoothly!! (I think there might be a nap in your near future -- or a nice long hot soak in the tub!)

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

ditto chicky - nice to not be alone!!

love, leigh

Lisa N Alexander said...

LOL! Oh sweetie...I feel for you! Mommy needs a time-out for sure! Maybe a hot shower/long soak is also in order!

Neva said...

Praying for a calmer, candy-free, low stress rest of the day.
Have not had internet for awhile, sorry I haven't visited. Hope all is well with you and the girls.


Sharon Brumfield said...

Oh the life of a Mommy!
Feeling kind of like the ring master?;)
Candy will be the death of us all.