Sunday, December 09, 2007

Beyond "busy".........

This week has been beyond busy, beyond stressful, beyond frustrating......I'll be back........sometime after our trip. Love and Hugs to everyone.



Kim said...


I feel the same way - do you want to hold off meeting until after Christmas. I missed almost four days of school last week with a bladder infection and teacher conference and I feel SO FAR behind. I want to meet but I need to be cobweb free (in the sound swamped too!) Love you!

tammi said...

Hey, I don't think I knew you were going away! Not that I needed to, or anything, I guess. (I'm not stalking you, I promise!) Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing holiday -- and if you're not coming back before I leave, I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!!

Lisa N Alexander said...

Have a great trip! Safe travel to you and the family.

tammi said...

I so completely forgot you were going to be gone on holidays. Oh well, when you get back and are finished unpacking and doing mountains of laundry, I tagged you for a Random Christmas HOOPLA!